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    Ufficio stampa
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    Yayoi Kusama, Fireflies on the Water, 2002. Mirrors, plexiglass, lights, and water, 111 × 144 1/2 × 144 1/2 in. (281.9 × 367 × 367 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; purchase with funds from the Postwar Committee and the Contemporary Painting and Sculpture Committee and partial gift of Betsy Wittenborn Miller 2003.322. © Yayoi Kusama. Photograph by Sheldan C. Collins

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    Yayoi Kusama. Infinito Presente
    17 NOVEMBRE 2023 – 21 APRILE 2024
    Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza Vecchia, Bergamo


    Ufficio Stampa
    CLP Relazioni PubblicheMarta Pedroli

    T. +39 02.36755700

    M. +39 347 4155017

    © THE BLANK 2024
    Ufficio stampa