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    6.Jonathan Monk, The World in Jeans and T shirts, 2008 2009, Clothing collage, 116.5 x 202.5 cm, Courtesy the artists and Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen
    6.Jonathan Monk, The World in Jeans and T shirts, 2008 2009, Clothing collage, 116.5 x 202.5 cm, Courtesy the artists and Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen
    [=== 6.Jonathan === Monk ==== The ==== World = in = Jeans = and === T == shirts ==== 2008 === 2009 ===== Clothing = collage ==== 116.5 === x == 202.5 ===== cm ===== Courtesy = the === artists === and ==== Galleri === Nicolai == Wallner ====== Copenhagen =]

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    © THE BLANK 2024
    6.Jonathan Monk, The World in Jeans and T shirts, 2008 2009, Clothing collage, 116.5 x 202.5 cm, Courtesy the artists and Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen