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    Shop The Gift
    Shop The Gift
    [=== Shop ==== The = Gift =]

    At the exhibition The Gift. On life and death there is a shop section: The Blank has created the perfect box for art and culture lovers. The boxes contain works by Andrea Romano and Alberto Garutti, the latter an artist known in Bergamo for his famous work Ai nati oggi, an installation in Piazza Dante in collaboration with Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital.

    The shop includes:

    – gift tube n1: tube + a coloured paper of the work Didascalia by Alberto Garutti, 45 x 65 cm + a multiple of the work From me to .give by Andrea Romano, 50 x 70 cm + a ticket for the exhibition Il Dono. On life and death;
    – gift tube n2: tube + a coloured paper of the work Didascalia by Alberto Garutti, 45 x 65 cm + a multiple of the work From me to .give by Andrea Romano, 50 x 70 cm + two tickets for the exhibition Il Dono. On life and death;
    – catalogue of the exhibition previously opened at Palazzo della Ragione, Il Corpo Insensato, curated by Stefano Raimondi;
    – personalised The Blank bag (black or white);
    – personalised The Blank grey sweater;
    – single empty tube.

    © THE BLANK 2024
    Shop The Gift