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    TB Hospitality
    TB Hospitality
    [=== TB ==== Hospitality =]

    In partnership with


    With the contribution of


    In the context of the project


        [== LINK ==]

    The Blank Hospitality offers to all art lovers, creative and cultural workers the opportunity to experience a very special staying in Bergamo thanks to a hospitality service offered by residence The Blank. The Residence is located in Via Quarenghi 50, two minutes far from the train station and the central Via XX Settembre.

    The Blank is a Cultural Association made up of people involved in contemporary art and, on request, it is able to offer operators, curators and artists in order to discover the city as never before. A skilled team will plan the best itinerary in line with cultural interests of each person.

    The Blank Hospitality is part of Art in Network, in partnership with the association That’s Contemporary, developed within the project fUNDER35 of Fondazione Cariplo.

    For information


    © THE BLANK 2024
    TB Hospitality