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    Project Space
    Project Space
    [== Project ==== Space =]
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    [== BACO ==]

    Palazzo della Misericordia Via Arena 9, Città Alta, Bergamo

        [== LINK ==]

    BACO, an acronym for Base Arte Contemporanea, is a working group created by Mauro Zanchi and Stefano Raimondi that aims to organize exhibitions and events related to art and contemporary culture, to return collaborations, dialogues and projects conducted with cultural operators, to document, through the publication of catalogues, essays and art books, the collaborations with artists and institutions of both international and local scene.

    Contemporary Locus
    [=== Contemporary = Locus ===]

    contemporary locus is a project which builds new and temporary connections between contemporary visual research and secret or disused places of the past saving historical, artistic and social evidences of the communities. It is aimed at the interpretation and reactivation of these places with site specific works and interventions by foreign and Italian artists and it plans to share an online connection through new technologies, such as social nerworks, apps and websites. For each site, contemporary locus involves artists whose work could echo and correspond to the elected places, with their story and their condition of secrecy or disuse. Today contemporary locus is also an association born with the aim of broadening the efficiency and the geography of its goals, stemming always from the multimedia work of contemporary artists and from the use of new technologies as spaces of communication and circulation of ideas and projects.

    [=== luogo === e ==]

    Via Pignolo 116, 24121 Bergamo
    ph. +39 035 247293
    thur-sat 2.00 – 6.00 pm

        [== LINK ==]
    [== Quarenghicinquanta ==]

    Quarenghicinquanta is a space dedicated to photography and is a reference point for temporary exhibitions, events and meetings with authors and operators from the images’ world.
    An exhibition space wanted by Dario Guerini and Vincenzo Magni to propose authoritative Italian and international names of photography, but also a workshop where you can meet and compare experiences, will enhance young or unpublished authors, develop ideas and launch individual and collective projects with the intention of promoting a free, innovative, and not just historical photography. Quarenghicinquanta is also a mixture of photography and other languages such as literature, poetry, architecture, contemporary art, design and music.
    The comparison between different ways of thinking and doing photography is a constant figure of our programs. Differences in gender, generations, technique and vision will oppose and cross through exhibitions, projects and thematic meetings.
    Special attention is given to magazines and books related to the world of images, which members can browse in the reading and work wi-fi area.
    The space is managed by a non-profit association, open to members or friends of photography, who must sign an annual pass. Members in particular are entitled to: free access to the library space; meetings with authors, printers, publishers and operators of the universe that revolves around images; purchases at popular prices of limited editions of the exhibits; discounts for courses, workshops, magazines and books; participation at projects, jam sessions and photographic group visits to exhibitions and photographic exhibitions.
    Programming and quality control activities of Quarenghicinquanta are owned by an artistic committee composed of Mario Cresci, Virgilio Fidanza, Dario Guerini, Vincenzo Magni, Francesco Pedrini and Luigi Vegini.

    ROOM 237
    [=== ROOM == 237 =]

    ROOM 237 is the phantom limb of OG STUDIO, a parallel shelter where to lay and incubate missed projects and open buried visions, a stomach where to make larvae and produce waste.
    ROOM 237 is the appendix of OG Studio, Oscar Giaconia’s studio.
    ROOM 237 is a project room where to host interventions of artists with whom OG Studio has previously collaborated or simply with whom there is a relationship of mutual interest, synergy in the research although formally different.
    ROOM 237 is a machine for boxing im-possibilities: each invited artist manages the place without restrictions of any kind, even inhabiting the space with abandoned and recovered operations.
    ROOM 237 is a hotel room at the end of a tunnel, whose threshold is distinguished by a red light.

    [== SPAZIO == POLARESCO ===]

    Via del Polaresco, 15 24129 Bergamo

        [== LINK ==]

    PolarExpo is an exposition area in the Polaresco Space, a multipurpose place aimed at the young of different ages, where they are called to take part actively in the management, in the creation of events and planning.
    PolarExpo represents  a service which offers the possibility to associations, informal groups, single artists and curators of exhibiting and presenting their works to the public. PolarExpo intend to be the young artists’ home, a showcase of growing up, a place of meeting  and confronting, a space thought out as a public service intended to host ideas, images, sounds and words.

    [=== VAKU === PROJECT === SPACE ==]

    Interno 13 was founded in 2015 in Bergamo on the initiative of Alberto Ceresoli and established itself as a social promotion association, an autonomous, pluralist, non-partisan and progressive association life center.

    At the beginning of the year 2017 the Association won the “Beni Comuni” competition promoted by the Municipality of Bergamo with the aim of activating collaborations by active citizens, formed in the Association, for the care, shared management and regeneration of the Common Goods urban. With Vaku Project Space the organization is engaged in a process of regeneration of the spaces in Via San Lorenzo 12 Città Alta (BG), now the operational headquarters of the Association: center for experimentation and multidisciplinary artistic production, place for aesthetic experience, social, cultural and expression of an idea of ​​territorial youth leadership.

    The editorial staff of bludiprussia.org l Contemporary Art Magazineis established in 2017 with the management of the organization.

    © THE BLANK 2024